Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where I've Been.....

I often pull up this blog....pause for a moment...and click back to my work email, work website, Facebook, etc. Where have I been?

1. Trying to keep my panic attack under control while 8 men are walking through my home (unexpectedly, due to salesmen not sharing information prior to project starting) to install new windows and doors in my house for two days straight. Trying not to freak out when they ask me to sign a "lead exposure" form and tell me that "children 6 and under are most at risk" and that our lead test came back "positive."

2. Due to last piece of information given to me, spend two days sweeping lead paint off my floors, dusting and redusting every surface of my home, and vacuuming multiple times. Watch worker dudes stare at my like I am crazy. Could care less.

3. Pricing, prepping and organizing for our garage sale this Friday. Yep...because why not have one the same week the above items are happening at my house.

4. Eating cream stick donuts (note that is plural), pudding and Twinkies. Once again, I have stellar coping skills.

5. Feeling guilty about mothering, working, volunteering, lack of cooking...and basically feeling inadequate in all areas.

Ever feel like a hamster on a wheel? Ahhh the balls in the air....when they are floating, life is good. When one falls....not so much.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Keeping Up...

This morning, the kids and I walked Lucy to Kindergarten. I haven't walked Tommy with us in a while (we've done a lot of cars, carpooling, dad staying home with him, etc.). He was so cute and ran along with us with his two superheros in each hand, chatting it up with Caden Fuller. When we arrived, I noticed he was standing with Caden and the other five year old boys in a huddle, just acting like he belonged there and giggling at what they were saying.

Mom at the door: "Boy! Your younger one is a big guy! He will certainly bypass Lucy in size soon!"
Me: "I know it! They are only 21 months apart. He will catch up soon!"
Mom: " were busy, huh?"
Me: "Yes, I like to call 2006 to 2008 the "Sweating Years."

And then I was reminded just how far we've all come when I saw this....and thought about the big boy who was with me this morning, keeping up with the kids, running and laughing with the Kindergarten boys....

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

The Perfect Easter Day...

A visit from the Easter Bunny, a sunny day, brunch and some kite-flying. A perfect Easter Day!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Girl's Picnic....

After madly getting things done from Monday - Wednesday this week, I am happily sitting here on a gorgeous, warm April 1st Thursday with NOTHING I HAVE to do.
Just as I had planned...YIPEE!!!

When Lucy arrived home from school (she is not so pleased there is no school for 10 days and I find that pretty cute and encouraging), the two of us decided to have a picnic. With one hour before having to pick up Tommy, we made our sandwiches, grabbed the blanket and cozied up on the sunny front lawn.

We each laid down and let our bodies warm up, talked about our day and how much fun I had helping out on her class this morning. She told me where people are going for spring break. I told her about how long our car ride will be on Monday morning. It was sunny and quiet and just us girls.

"This is the best lunch I think I have ever had, mom," she said.

We both looked down at her still untouched sandwich on her plate and then back at each other and started cracking up. She grabbed my hand and we stayed there.

I know what she meant...and it might have been my favorite lunch ever, too.

I recently read Kelly Corrigan's book, Lift, and really can't stop thinking about it. She makes a point of saying that the average adult can recall about twelve solid memories of childhood. I am not average, as I can remember a TON about my childhood.

Luce - I hope you remember today and us and our picnic. Remember life being simple and me being fun and young and silly. But if you don't remember, that's o.k. too.
I hope this blog is a special gift that will help you know what you were like when you were five and what I was like as your mom at this moment.

But I bet you end up remembering a lot, too. :)

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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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